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Friday, September 24, 2010

Sounds of Auroras and Astral Phenomena

Annotated links to videos and sounds from auroras, 
planetary magnetospheres, and the sun.

Listening to the Northern Lights
(A Minnesota Planetarium Video: Natural Radio)
When solar flares hit the Earth's magnetic field, they create auroras, and the auroras emit low frequency electromagnetic waves, a type of natural radio that can be picked up around the globe.

Auroral Radio Emissions (Auroral Kilometric Radiation)
This page has the sounds of auroral radio emissions,
and an animation of how they look.

Selected Sounds of Space
from Professor Don Gurnett, NASA / University of Iowa
     My favorite sound is Earth Chorus, a recording of chorus waves in Earth's magnetosphere.  The chorus waves sound like chirping birds in a tropical rain forest!

Jupiter Sounds (So Strange!) NASA-Voyager Recording
The complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from solar wind and Jupiter's planetary magnetosphere create vibrating soundscapes.  Like Earth, Jupiter has auroras -- but Jupiter's auroras are bigger than our entire planet!  (See NASA Science | Science News, "Big Auroras on Jupiter," March 29, 2007).  The sounds of Jupiter can be eerie or mystical or relaxing, depending on your mood.

NASA's Sounds of the Sun
This video is from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded the sounds of the sun.

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