Thoughts have power.
Thoughts have might.
Thoughts have energy.
Thoughts have light.
Thoughts cause words & actions --
good and bad.
Bad thoughts can make us sick.
Bad thoughts spoken out can simmer,
because words, like toothpaste all squeezed out,
can't be put back -- bad words just linger
in the atmosphere, like a haze [-in a maze-].
So think thoughts of power.
Think thoughts of might.
Think thoughts of LOVE,
and LOVE day and night.
The Power of Positive Thinking
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale, was written in 1952. It is still relevant for today, and is written in a style that is very easy to understand and apply. The book applies scientific methods or techniques to the practice of Christian principles. For example, the chapter "Try Prayer Power" includes a list of 10 techniques for effective prayer.
10 Ways to Achieve Powerful Prayer
1. Set aside a few minutes every day. Do not say anything. Simply practice thinking about God. This will make your mind spiritually receptive.
2. Then pray orally, using simple, natural words. Tell God anything that is on your mind. Do not think you must use stereotyped pious phrases. Talk to God in your own language. He understands it.
3. Pray as you go about the business of the day, on the subway or bus or at your desk. Utilize minute prayers by closing your eyes to shut out the world and concentrating briefly on God's presence.
4. Do not always ask when your pray, but instead affirm that God's blessings are being given, and spend most of your prayers giving thanks.
5. Pray with the belief that sincere prayers can reach out and surround your loved ones with God's love and protection.
6. Never use a negative thought in prayer. [emphasis added] Only positive thoughts get results.
7. Always express a willingness to accept God's will. Ask for what you want, but be willing to take what God gives you. It may be better than what you asked for.
8. Practice the attitude of putting everything in God's hands. Ask for the ability to do your best and leave the results confidently to God.
9. Pray for people you do not like or who have mistreated you. Resentment is blockade number one of spiritual power.
10. Make a list of people for whom to pray. The more you pray for other people, especially those not connected with you, the more prayer results will come back to you.
After reading The Power of Positive Thinking, I came up with a slogan,
and put it where I will see it every day:
Believe it
Achieve it!
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